
Katowicka Mall – leaflet

Katowicka Mall
Ulotka z mapą Galerii Katowickiej

To complement the visual information system in Galeria Katowicka (Katowicka Mall), we have also designed a personalized leaflet including a shopping center map – one for women and the other for men (each version included a list of stores that might be interesting for the chosen group). The visual layer of the leaflets referred directly to the style appearing in the marking system we have designed – it was colorful, dynamic and pleasant to read.

Location: Katowice, Poland
Project: 2014
Implementation: 2014
Client: Ideas Box
Designers: Bartłomiej Witański, Aleksandra Krupa, Jakub Cikała
Foto: Sonia Świeżawska

Map design leaflet for Katowicka Mall