Exhibition design

Magic of Football

Magic of Football
Exhibition design Football

Have you ever had a hobby that you really wanted to share with the world? We can help you with that!


Our client – an avid collector of football artefacts – had and had been acquiring unusual artefacts from an early age: championship mascots, commemorative plates, players’ jerseys, pennants of national clubs and teams, etc.


What is even more interesting – the exhibition was created at…. shopping centre. This is the first football exhibition prepared on such a large scale not in a museum, but in a commercial space, where everyone will be able to find previously unknown curiosities or see the attributes of their favourite players live!


The premise of the exhibition design was to build a coherent narrative for all the exhibits on display. As there are many objects on display, a system had to be created in which the elements are presented in a logical and clear manner without taking up too much space. For this reason, some of them were placed in openable cabinets. This solution not only reduced the size of the individual themed areas, but was also great fun for the youngest visitors, who eagerly opened the cabinets and searched for the indicated exhibits. In order to make the collection material accessible to many groups, we developed unique, colourful illustrations and infographics.


The exhibition was created thanks to the cooperation of the collector, designers from Blank Studio, the author of the exhibition scenario – Mr Piotr Zawadzki, the manager of the Tychy Sports Gallery, and the Gemini Park Tychy shopping centre.


Font: TT Norms Pro / TypeType

Project: 2020–2021
Implementation: 2023
Client: Private
Designers: Bartłomiej Witański, Aleksandra Krupa, Justyna Batko, Martyna Berger
Photo: Michał Jędrzejowski 

Blank Studio exhibition design
blank studio exhibition illustration
exhibition design blank studio magic of football
Blank Studio football exhibition
exhibition design blank studio magic of football
exhibition design blank studio magic of football