Wayfinding system

The Software House headquarter

The Software House headquarter
Wayfinding system with environmental graphics in The Software House headquarter in Gliwice

The office of The Software House company was recognized as the best workplace for developers in Poland created by Zalewski Architecture Group! Their headquarters at the Old Post Office in Gliwice is where all the magic happens. 


The signage system we have designed is consistent with the interior designers’ vision and the toned-down & pleasant style of the interiors. It’s also linked with the friendly atmosphere that the company create. We even manage to design the set of unique icons for their rooms, that refers to the everyday naming the employees gave them (Koteł, Okneł, Iluminateł, etc.).


When designing the visual communication, we made sure that it would not dominate the interior architecture. In our design, we have decided to refer to the investment materials (mostly plywood), to choose an interesting typeface and prepare an original set of information carriers, which allow users to interact (a simple room occupancy information system, that can be change by simply moving a plate element – and discovering the changes that are appearing in the pictogram presented). Our goal was to design carriers that are fun in form and pleasant in perception. The whole process included creating all graphic and industrial design elements as well.

Awards / nominations:

Location: Gliwice, Poland
Project: 2019
Implementation: 2019
Client: The Software House
Area: 1600 m2
Designers: Bartłomiej Witański, Aleksandra Krupa, Justyna Batko, Martyna Berger
Foto: Michał Jędrzejowski

Wayfinding system with environmental graphics in The Software House headquarter in Gliwice
Wayfinding system with environmental graphics in The Software House headquarter in Gliwice
Wayfinding system with environmental graphics in The Software House headquarter in Gliwice
Wayfinding system with environmental graphics in The Software House headquarter in Gliwice
Wayfinding system with environmental graphics in The Software House headquarter in Gliwice
System informacji wizualnej wraz z grafikami wizerunkowymi dla biura The Software House w Gliwicach
Zestaw ikon dla The Software House w Gliwicach